Have you ever experienced being resistant to change, then decided to give up and let go of whatever it was that you were resistant to? Did you notice the peace and clarity that came after you decided to stop fighting? Making the choice to let go of things that no longer serve you is an incredibly empowering action, but sometimes it can be difficult to do. We tend to cling to people, ideas, and things that are familiar and comfortable. Our need to hang on usually stems from the fear that if we lose something, we will suffer more than if we keep it around. It’s important when you know that you need to let something go but are resistant, that you take a look at how it’s affecting your life. Are you really happy with the way things are in the moment? If the answer is no, then maybe it’s time to give yourself permission to let go and move on. When you allow yourself to let go, you are choosing to embrace the flow of life. You create space for something new and wonderful.